There's also a trick you can perform that will allow you run through doors and walls. Here's how. Step right up to where you want to run through and turn around. Hold down the fire button and move the joystick the direction you are facing (as if you were going to run), but quickly move the joystick back to where you want to run through and let go of the fire button. You will now run straight through the wall or door you wanted to.




1 - "WIND" | "FIRE" | "MINE"
2 - "SPIN" | "BURN" | "YOUR"
3 - "KAVA" | "EGGS" | "NEST"
4 - "HIRO" | "GURT" | "LINE"
5 - "TEST" | "CHIP" | "LISA"
6 - "GOLD" | "TREE" | "MARY"
7 - "WALL" | "BOLD" | "MICE"



1 - "BACK" | "PLAY" | "CLOP"
2 - "LOUP" | "TOIT" | "CARA"
3 - "CINE" | "ZAPP" | "CALE"
4 - "GOOD" | "LYNX" | "FONT"
5 - "SPIZ" | "SCSI" | "HASH"
6 - "BIOS" | "GARY" | "FIBO"
7 - "HALL" | "PONT" | "TIPS"


This walk through is based on the normal difficulty setting.


From the start, drop right off the first ledge, and left off the second, then walk left to drop into the screen below. Pick up the holocube, which automatically opens a door later in the level. Go back to the top of the screen above, then run right and take out the first droid. Jump right across the gap, then drop off the ledge so that you are just above the mutant's head. Draw your gun, then drop down in front of him and shoot. Walk left and drop into the next screen, then go left and pick up the stone.

Jump onto the ledge, and you will find 10 credits. Go right, then drop down on to the same level as the droid, turn and shoot. This will take some practice to perfect. When the mutant and the droid are dead, collect the cell which the mutant has dropped.

Pay a visit to the recharge machine below and to the right - charge the cell, and the shield if necessary. Go left and insert the cell into the bridge slot. Cross the bridge, shooting the droid on the way, then take the lift up to the top.

Throw the stone onto the switch to keep the lift down, then go left and pick up the teleporter. Pick up the two stones, then go down the other lift.

Save your game using the Save Post. Go back to the enrgy recharger then go up along the rope bridge, shooting the mutant on the way. Go up, then use the switches to activate the lift enabling you to go up to the top right of the screen.

Swap the teleporter with the wounded man for his ID card, then go back down over the energy bridge.

You should see two mutants from here. Drop carefully down onto the ledge below, draw your gun, duck down and roll to the right. Shoot the mutants. Walk right, press the switch to turn off the haze, then jump over the sensor, and walk into the next screen - shoot the droid immediately. Stand on the ledge above the next mutant, and throw a stone over his head. While he is distracted, drop down and shoot him.

Pick up the 100 credits he drops, then go into the next screen and pick up the key, and the other 50 credits.

Draw your gun, then roll right into the next screen. Shoot the mutant. The 500 credits you need are in the top right-hand corner. While climbing up, try not to touch the sensor which is next to the generator - this activates two lasers on the previous screen.

Now go back to 10 and save the game. If you have set the lasers going, you will need to time your moves very carefully, and duck a lot! Recharge your shield if it gets low.

Drop down and shoot the droid, then insert your ID card into the card slot machine. Go through the open door on the right, then drop down, shoot the mutant, and walk leftwards to the end of the ledge. Lower yourself down carefully.

Drop down to the mutants, drawing your gun in mid-air, and shoot the mutants as quickly as possible. Keep going to the right, and give the 500 credits to the old man. Now jump down the hole and prepare for level 2.


Go right, and climb down to bring up the lift. From the middle platform, run to the left and jump on the platform above. It's very high, so you will need to begin running, keep the fire button down but let go of the joystick. You will automatically jump and catch hold of the ledge, so then push the joystick up to climb up.

You will find two cops, who you must kill. Now talk to Ian, activate the chair, then talk to Ian again when the animation has finished. Go through the door which opens, then climb down to kill the ogre. Pick up the fuse, and return up to use it in the console - use the same jumping technique as above. Activate the switch to bring down the lift, which you should take and then go up and to the left. Talk to the man, then open the door and bring up the lift. Take the lift to the subway. Take the train to the Bar. Talk to the barman, then go right and talk to the forger. Use the train to go to the Administrative Centre.

Talk to the people behind the desks, then give your ID card to the boss, who will give you a work permit in return. Now go to the Work Agency. Insert your work permit into the working terminal to accept mission 1. Use the save post below.

Go to Asia, and collect a packet from the woman. Take the packet to Africa and give it to the man. He will pay you, so go to the Work Agency and accept mission 2. Recharge your shield, and save the game. Take the train to the Restricted Area 2. Pick up the VIP, then go all the way right and jump over the mine. Go down the lift, then shoot the mutant. Pick up the key, and insert it into the console.

Go left and kill the mutant, then dispose of the two floating balls. Collect the key, then go right and insert the key in the door. Get the VIP and proceed down and to the left, where he will pay you and teleport you to the mission room. Recharge your shield and save the game. Accept mission 3. Take the train to the Bar. Talk to the customer, then go to the cop. Go back behind the bar and shoot the mutant. Talk to the man and go back down to shoot the cop. Pick up the key he drops, then go back behing the bar to open the trap door in the floor and drop down into it.

Save your position, then go right and shoot the two terminators. You will be paid, and teleported back to the mission room. Recharge your shield and save the game.

Accept mission 4. This level isn't particularly difficult, but time is extremely tight so it can be frustrating. Step into the teleporter, and get moving! Run to the right, jump over the gap, and open the floor trap. Take the lift down, run right, and jump on the platform to activate the lift. Pick up the stone, then take the lift down and go right.

Throw the stone to the right of the reactor, so that it lands near the dead sensor, then move just to past the right-hand side of the generator. Insert the card. If it doesn't work, move left or right slightly, and try again - you will only get two or three attempts before the reactor blows, so you will need to use the continue option a lot! When completed, you will be transported back to the mission room again, so recharge your shield and save the game.

Now accept mission 5. This level is not easy, so take your time and practice a lot. Go to Restricted Area 3. Save your position, shoot the mutant, then go down. Shoot the second mutant, and get the key. Go left and insert the key into the console. Continue left, collect and throw the rock, then shoot the mutant.

Run left, and jump down before shooting the next mutant. Go to the top platform and activate the sensor to open the door. Climb down and roll right, pick up the key and the credits. Go back to the left, then down, right, and then down again, then dispose of the cop. Open the door, and incinerate the flying ball. Now you'll get paid, and teleported back to the mission room. Recharge your shield and save the game.

Now go to the Bar, and talk to the forger. Give him the credits, and collect the false ID. Go over to the Death Tower and give the ID to the man. Enter it and prepare for level 3.


FLOOR 8: Go right and kill the terminator. Open the door, go back to the right, and recharge your shield. Go left, kill the terminators, then proceed left. Open the door, and take the lift up.

FLOOR 7: Jump up, then go left and up. Open the floor trap, go left, and kill the terminator. Activate the doors, and kill the terminators. Go left and up, then continue left and kill the terminator and the two floating balls. Go left, use the Save Post, then go left and take the lift up.

FLOOR 6: Open the door, and roll left past the trap. Climb up and go left. Watch out for the trap door, and recharge your shield. Go left, kill the terminator. Proceed left, watching out for the floor mines, then take the lift up.

FLOOR 5: Roll left, and kill the terminator and the floating ball. Climb up, roll right, then save the game. Go left then climb down. From the centre platform run left, jump up by running left and holding down the fire button only, then continue left. Kill the terminators, jump over the pits, continue left, then take the lift up.

FLOOR 4: Go right, release the terminator by flicking the switch, and kill him. Open the door using the switch, and jump up by running right and holding down the fire button only, then go right. Kill the terminators, then recharge your shields. Watch out for the big drop though - dangle down first. On the lower platform, go right and open the door using the switch. Go back, and on the middle platform go right and open the floor trap using the switch. On the lower platform go right and take the lift up.

FLOOR 3: Shoot the three terminators, then go right and up. Kill the middle floating ball, kill the terminator, and use the Save Post. Kill the remaining three balls, then take the lift up.

FLOOR 2: Kill the terminator, open the door, then kill the other terminator. Take the lift up.

FLOOR 1: Kill the last terminator, and wait for your prize!


Talk to the man and give him the ID card. Go left, kill the cop and go left. Here kill the second cop - use the forcefield, it works. Go down, kill the cop and the floating ball. From the middle platform go right and recharge. Go right and kill the cop. Proceed right and dispose of all the cops that show their faces. Go back left and recharge if necessary. Go right and inside. Kill the two cops and the floating ball. Move right and call a taxi. Save the game.

Climb to the top platform. Run and jump all the way right and crack the crystal. Proceed inside and right. Here dispose of the terminator, take the lift up, crack the crystal and get the key. Go all the way right, jump to the middle platform, go right again and recharge. Step left and incinerate the robot - watch out! He explodes. Activate the console, go right, open the door with the key and take the lift down. Save the game. Climb up and the wall slides away. Take the lift down and go left.

Get rid of the two floating balls and climb up. Move right and activate the console so the wall slides out of the way. Go left and climb down. Go right and deactivate the forcefield. Proceed down, open the door and recharge. Take the lift up and go right. There are two mysterious floor traps. Go right and get the lift down. On the left, run and jump to the top platform so you can open the door. Go right, pick up the key, take the lift up. Open the door and step inside. Kill the floating ball.

Jump over the mine and run like hell - a forcefield follows you. Get rid of the floating ball and proceed right to the next level.


A terminator opens the door, but you're unable to kill him since you have no gun. Run right and collect the gun. Now kill the terminator and pick up the key. Save the game.

Go right and open both doors. Proceed up, watching out for the forcefields all over the place, and left. Go down to recharge. Dispose of the lower terminator and pick up both parts of the teleport. Kill the upper terminator, run and jump to right screen avoiding the forcefield. Open the door and throw the teleport receiver. Teleport here. Kill the floating ball and pick up the teleport receiver. Jump down and dispose of the slime creature. Proceed left. Save the game.

Go left and fall into the pit. Kill the floating ball in the next pit and proceed left. Climb up, then hang from the left and rop down. Enter the teleport beam for the next level.


Go right and kill the slime creature. Open the door using the switch, recharge, go back left and take the lift down. Go down avoiding the gun, kill the slime creature, pick up the rock and go left. Throw the rock at the sensor to open the door. Go left. Activate the switch to open the floor.

On the bottom platform shoot the door, operate the switch and dispose of the slime creature. Collect the atom charge and proceed left. Check out the journal. Go down, open the floor and proceed down. Recharge and kill the slime creature.

Throw the teleport receiver into the pit and teleport down. Kill the slime creature and go down. Save the game. Kill the mutant dog and go left. Open the door and kill the slime creature. Go right and pick up the key. Step right into the teleporter. Go right and up. Take the lift up, go right and place the key.


Jump up and take the lift up. Be ready to kill the slime creature, then collect the two explosive mice. Proceed up. Run and jump to avoid the falling bombs. Throw the teleport receiver to the left and take the lift up. Activate the switch so that the lift goes back down. Move all the way left and recharge. Go right and get the teleporter ready. Jump into the pit with the slime creature and activate the switch, then immediately teleport. By ready to kill the slime creature at the bottom. Pick up the teleport receiver. Move right, pick up the key and open the door. Take the lift up.

Save the game. Roll right, avoiding the forcefields. Take the lift down and insert the key. Using the lift, blow up the floor mines. Throw the teleport receiver into the pit and teleport down. Kill the slime creature at the bottom. Carefully dispose of the organic guts inside the half-sphere. Pick up the teleport receiver.

Follow these instructions carefully: Step to the right of the floor pit. Jump left - keep Fire button pressed - to hang from the floor. Move the joystick down and you should fall from the bottom. Once you jump all the way down, proceed... Move right and leave the teleport receiver. Go all the way left and recharge. Take the lift down.

Save the game. Move right and shoot the two slime creatures. You must dispose of the guts hanging from the ceiling. To do this, shoot them from the left side, then from the right. Repeat until no more slime creatures come out. Go left. Take the lift up and recharge. Take the lift back down. Save the game. Go back right. Take the lift up and go right. Pick up the mouse and kill the slime creature. Pick up the key and go back to recharge. Save the game.

Return to the door, take the lift down, go right and roll through the forcefield. Leave the atomic charge and hit the switch. Teleport back. Go right and take the lift up. Now sit back and watch the final animation.